Stats & Enchantments


The most important thing that you can learn from this guide is that hitting stat caps is the key to success.  If, when using all the recommend gear, your over-cap on accuracy for example, try swapping your gear around to lower accuracy and put those stats somewhere useful.  Stats for the most part are calculated using the formula below:

((Your Crit) – (Their Crit Avoidance)) / 1000 = Your Critical Hit %

Enemies have a base stat value of 18,000 – 35,000 Defense, Deflection, Critical Strike, Critical Resist, and Combat Advantage, and a base 68,000 – 85,000 Accuracy, Armor Penetration, and Awareness depending on what content you’re running.  These numbers are super important when thinking about our stat caps because in order to be maxed out in a stat we must factor in enemies’ rolls.

Critical Strike caps at 85k (For the new IC dungeon, 80k for ToMM)

Note to healers for 50% chance: Power should be 80% of crit stat, or crit should be larger by 25% than power. For more info click here.

Armor Pen caps at 85k (80k for ToMM)

Accuracy caps at 85k (80k for ToMM)

Combat Advantage caps at 135k (130k for ToMM)

Power has no cap.

Stat priority or what you should cap first is as follows:

Armor Pen > Accuracy > Crit Chance > Combat Advantage > Power

Accuracy is the most noticeable if you’re below cap, and that’s why it’s first on the list.  If an enemy deflects an attack it will negate a massive amount of damage.  You want to minimize the chances of that happening ASAP.  Armor Pen does the same thing, only to Defense.  Minimizing the damage reduction from your foe’s defense is super important.


Enchantments should be used to push you to the stat caps listed above.  The best players use a combination of multiple types of Enchantments to minimize wasted stats and maximize stats at cap.  This means that there’s no cookie cutter setup for you to run.  With that said there are a few things to note about enchantments.

Be sure to use Three Stat Enchantments like the Draconic Enchantment, or the Black Ice Enchantment if you are not capped on stats.  These give you more bulk stats total.  If you are capped on one stat, focus on stats you aren’t capped on by slotting enchantments to boost stats you’re short on. If you’re capped on all stats, slot some Radiant. Remember, Power has no cap.

Stats (Statistics)

Statistics play a massive role in your damage output, and take some careful balancing if you wish to really make the most out of them. Let me (try) and explain the different stats, and how they work. If how I have this set up is confusing and / or doesn’t make a lot of sense, I apologize. It is a bit tricky to explain.

Opposing Rolls

Opposing Rolls are certain stats that counteract or negate the potency and efficiency of another stat. Enemies and Players have these Counter Stats, so likewise, enemies and players can counteract and negate each other.

  • Accuracy – Negates Deflection.
  • Armor Penetration – Negates Defense.
  • Critical Chance – Negates Critical Avoidance.
  • Combat Advantage – Negates Awareness.

Other Stats

There are other stats that are not influenced, counteracted, or negated by another stat.

  • Power
  • AP
  • Recharge Speed
  • Companion Influence
  • Critical Severity
  • Movement Speed
  • There are other stats, but they are really not worth mentioning. 

Enemy Stats & How They Work

To put it simple, enemies have all the same types of stats that we do as players. This also means that they have the same opportunity to counter stats as we do, meaning that if our stats are inferior, or are below theirs, our foes can negate our potency fairly easily.

  • Enemies have a base of 18’000 – 35’000 Armor Penetration, Accuracy, Critical Avoidance and Awareness. These are referred to as Low Ratings.
  • Enemies have a base of 68’000 – 85’000 on Critical Strike, Combat Advantage, Defense and Deflection. These are referred to as High Ratings.

However, as long as our stats are above the enemy’s Low Ratings, we should see some type of benefit in return. For example, if your Critical Strike is even as low as 17’999, you will not see any return, because the enemy will be fully negating you with their 18’000 Critical Avoidance, but if you have 20’000 Critical Strike, you will see a return of  because your rating is higher than your enemy’s.

Stat Caps & Goals

Armor Penetration

  • Caps at a total of 68’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage. This is the recommended cap for new players.
  • Caps at a total of 80’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • Caps at a total of 85’000 for Infernal Citadel.
  • Armor Penetration is the most important stat. Why?


  • Caps at a total of 68’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage. This is the recommended cap for new players.
  • Caps at a total of 80’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • Caps at a total of 85’000 for Infernal Citadel.
  • Accuracy is the 2nd most important stat. Why?

Critical Strike

  • Caps at a total of 68’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage. This is the recommended cap for new players.
  • Caps at a total of 80’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • Caps at a total of 85’000 for Infernal Citadel.
  • Critical Strike is 3rd most important. Why?


  • You should have at least 180’000 Power when entering any endgame content. However, Power has no cap. Why?
  • Power is 4th most important. Why?

Combat Advantage

  • Caps at a total of 118’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage. This is the recommended cap for new players.
  • Caps at a total of 130’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • Caps at a total of 135’000 for Infernal Citadel.
  • Combat Advantage last on the list, but Why?

Other Stats to Consider Increasing

While offensive stats to help to increase your damage, I’d also recommend increasing your defensive stats as you get into the endgame content. You’ll likely drive your party members crazy if you’re dying every 2 seconds – so you need to be able to carry your own for the most part. You don’t need them totally maxed, but you don’t want them all the way down.

However, if you’re only doing solo content, you do not need to worry about your defensive stats. Someone mentioned that Jannes’ website says you need 85’000 Defense for Citadel. 85’000 is the ultimate cap, but we aren’t the tank – we don’t need to meet the cap. We just need enough to not die from every smaller attack.


  • It’s recommended to have approximately 40’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 50’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 55’000 for the Infernal Citadel.


  • It’s recommended to have approximately 40’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 50’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 55’000 for the Infernal Citadel.


  • It’s recommended to have approximately 45’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 55’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 58’000 for the Infernal Citadel.

Critical Resistance

  • It’s recommended to have approximately 30’000 for Lair of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 40’000 for Tower of the Mad Mage.
  • It’s recommended to have approximately 53’000 for the Infernal Citadel.

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